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Saturday, 21 September 2013

Morning Walk At Durian Loop (21 Sep 2013)

The weather was perfect for a walk at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR), so I decided to go to the Durian Loop trail at the reserve.

I have been wondering why the trail was called Durian Loop, and I got the answer today. There were many of the small durians found on the ground through out the trail. This could possibly an indication that there was strong wind the night before or the durian trees are not doing very well since durians only drop when they are ripe, and the durians that I come across are definitely far from being ripe.

The first beetle that greeted me was this Net Winged Beetle. Interestingly I am still not able to find the name of this Net Winged Beetle on the internet or in books, even though it is a very commonly encountered beetle.

Resting peacefully on a slightly damp leaf was this lovely Lizard Beetle (Languria mozardi).

Another commonly encountered tiny beetle (~3 mm) sipping on the moisture of the morning dew.

On a tree trunk was this tiny Fungus Beetle (~2 mm) which looked black from the naked eyes.

Passing a large patch of Air Potato plants, I found this colorful Leaf Beetle resting on a Air Potato leaf. I always like the coloration of this beetle.

On a nearby shaded area was this metallic blue Leaf Beetle.

The surprise find for the day was this bright orange Leaf Beetle (Lema quadripunctata) found on some wild ginger leaf.

Looking out of place on a sandy ground was this Fungus Beetle, hiding in a hole with an exposed root.

Further down the trail was this black and yellow Leaf Beetle, staying very still while I photographed it.

On the trail was a large fallen tree trunk where a few of this Fungus Beetle were found.

Resting on some low plants was this interesting looking Leaf Beetle. It is the same coloration as the earlier Leaf Beetle but its appendages were very interesting looking. It looked injured though.

The highlight of the trip was the encounter with this interesting Fungus Beetle. In fact, I was fortunate enough to find two of this beetle.

Moving on, I found a lovely Ladybird Beetle hiding under a leaf.

Near to the Ladybird Beetle was a beetle larvae, most likely to be that of the Ladybird Beetle.

On a recently fallen tree was a Tiger Beetle, busily running up and down the length of the tree log.

On the same log was some tiny (~3 mm) Fungus Weevils. Their coloration matched so well with the log that you would not noticed them until they started to move. This Fungus Weevil is a first time encountered beetle. I particularly like the reddish-brown color at the "neck" of the beetle.

A few centimeters away was another unidentified Fungus Weevil.  This is about the same size as the other Fungus Weevil.

On a sawed side of another fallen tree was a tiny (~2 mm) Fungus Beetle, happily munching away at the tiny fungus that are growing on the log.

Just beside the tree log was this beautiful Net Winged Beetle (Dictyoptera aurora). The red color is so striking, especially when it is on a light green leaf such as this. This one is particularly small at about 8mm. Most of the usual Dictyoptera aurora Net Winged Beetle are much larger (~15 mm).

When it was almost near the end of my trip, I came across this interesting looking beetle. I thought that it is a Chafer Beetle when I was there, but realized that I may be wrong after looking closer to its legs. Its legs looked very much like that of a Dung Beetle. I think it is possibly belongs to the Dung Beetle family.

With this "discovery", I went back to my photograph archive and noticed that I may have wrongly identify another beetle that I thought was a Chafer Beetle.

Anyway, I moved on to another recently sawed tree trunk and found this Checkered Beetle resting motionless on it, despite all the camera flashes.

Just before I exited the trail, I found this common Tiger Beetle (Cicindela aurulenta) flying around the path, taking flight when there are any moment.

This trip was very fruitful with a total of 21 different types of beetle encountered, with 3 first time encountered beetles. I am glad that besides the beetle encounters, I am also able to get some workout from the walk.

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