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Saturday, 15 February 2014

Short Afternoon Walk At Venus Drive (15 Feb 2014)

The afternoon weather was dry like bone unlike what was forecasted by the weatherman, so I decided to take quick walk in the late afternoon at Venus Drive. The place has not been receiving any rain as can be seen from all the dead fallen leaves that littered the ground.

The first beetle that came Into view was a pair of small 2 mm Leaf Beetle (Eucyclomera nigericollis) on a about-to-dry-up plant.

The place was bone dry and no beetles was spotted after walking for a good 10 minutes. Coming to a rotten log, several of this attractive Net-winged Beetle were found resting in the shade.

On a nearby tree wss a beetle larvae. As usual no adult beetles were in sight with the beetle larvae.

After walking for another 15 min without seeing any beetle, this 6 mm Darkling Beetle is a welcomed sight. Notice also the dead mosses which showed the severity of the dry weather.

Moving beyond the clearing, which surprisingly I didn't find any beetle this time round, I came to the "Snow Tree". I was pleasantly surprised to find several Checkered Beetle. At the place I found six first-time-encountered beetle.

Here's one of the three first-time-encourtered Checkered Beetle.

Here's another first-time-encountered Checkered Beetle.

The last of the three first-time-encountered Checkered Beetle.

A large group of this interesting looking beetle larvae were seen feasting on a patch of black fungus growing on the "Snow Tree" stump.

A first-time-encourtered Fungus Weevil was seen resting on the tree stump. This beetle remained pretty still throughout the entire photography session.

On the same stump, several of this interestingly shaped and colored Fungus Beetle.

Among the above Fungus Beetle was a really tiny (1 mm) first-time-encountered beetle. This is possibly a Fungus Beetle.

On another part of the tree stump were these two first-time-encountered beetle. I didn't notice the small beetle in the background until i was processing the photographs.

Moving on a little before turning back to leave, a Leaf Beetle (Argopus brevis) was found resting on a half eaten leaf.

At the exit, a Leaf Beetle (Lema diversa) was seen resting on a leaf.

The last beetle of the trip was another first-time-encountered beetle. It looks like a Hister Beetle. This is to be identified.

Although the trip was short and the number of beetles encountered was limited, the trip was fruitful as there was a good number of first-time-encountered beetles.

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