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Friday, 6 March 2015

Night Walk At Venus Drive (06 Mar 2015)

There was a heavy downpour during the week and it looked like we are at the tail-end of the dry season. It was at about the time that I set off for the night macro photography session, the sky start to rain heavily. After about an hour or so, the sky started to clear up and so I decided to go to Venus Drive to increase the chances of finding beetles, especially after a heavy downpour.

When I reached the place, I was surprised to find that it didn't rain there. Like in previous trips, I found an interesting insect during the trip. It was a Plume Moth that looked very much like an airplane.

The first beetle that came into view was a commonly encountered small 3 mm Darkling Beetle.

Coming to some railings by the side a deep drain, I was surprised to find a Darkling Beetle at the base of the metal railing. It is always interesting to find beetles in man-made structures. This reminded me of the trip to Mount Faber Park ( Night Walk At Mount Faber Park ) where several of the beetles found on that trip were on man-made structures.

Coming to a patch of tall grass, I was glad to find a Spiny Leaf Beetle (Dicladispa armigera). It was a challenge to photograph this 4 mm beetle in the night, especially when the wind was blowing strongly.

Moving to some low trees, a commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Apogonia expeditionis) was found on a badly eaten leaf.

At an elephant ear plant, I found an Ant-like Flower Beetle (Anthelephila cyanea) resting on the underside of a leaf. The beetle was rather alert and started to move to the top of the leaf. I was fortunate that after a short while of it moving around the top of the leaf, it stopped long enough for me to get some shots of it.

At the entrance to the Venus Drive trail, a Darkling Beetle was found at the base of  a newly planted tree.

Coming to a fallen log by the side of the trail, a Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus quadriguttatus quadriguttatus) was moving about looking for food.

As I walked along the trail, I was surprised to come across a patch of low bushes with a small colony of Tiger Beetle (Cicindela aurulenta).

Near to the low bushes is a woodpile where several of this commonly encountered Darkling were found.

On a badly eaten plant were several of this Chafer Beetle (Adoretus compressus).

The highlight of the trip was at the clearing where this Bess Beetle (Aceraius grandis) was found foraging on a rotten log.

Still at the clearing, two metallic bronze colored Chafer Beetles were found on a small plant. This beetle looked very much like the Apogonia expeditionis Chafer Beetle except that it is broader and the color is deep metallic bronze instead of shiny black.

Moving to another fallen log at the clearing, several Darkling Beetle (Androsus fasciolatus) were moving on it.

At another woodpile near to the clearing was a lovely brownish Darkling Beetle. I am not sure if this is the color of the beetle or it has just emerged and it was just coloring up. The reason why I said this is because there is a similar looking beetle but it is jet black in color.

Near to the Darkling Beetle was a Weevil Beetle (Eucorynus crassicornis) which blended perfectly with the log that it was on.

Coming to the snow-tree-in-the-making ( Night Walk At Venus Drive ), which by now has started to "snow" heavily , probably due to the Ambrosia Beetles activities in its trunk, I was surprised to find about 6 Ground Beetles (Catascopus dalbertisi) on the tree.

Apart from the Ground Beetles, there were several of this Fungus Weevil (Anthribus wallacei).

On the same tree were several of this bronze colored Ground Beetle.

Near to the base of the tree was this Long Horned Beetle (Coptops annulipes).

Moving about the tree trunk was this small 4 mm Ground Beetle (Pericalus tetrastigma).

Near to the snow tree was a fallen log and on it was this Darkling Beetle (Ceropria superba).

The last beetle for the trip was this small 3 mm beetle at the underside of the tree log. It was a challenge photographing it as it was almost near to the ground.

Although this trip was shorter than my usual night walks as I started later than usual due to the rain, the number of beetles found was considerably good. Venus Drive has been a great place for finding beetles, regardless of the weather.

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