Beetle@SG Website

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Friday, 29 December 2017

Short Night Walk At Lower Peirce Reservoir Park (29 Dec 2017)

As I needed to run some errands in the later part of the night, my macro-photography session for the night was shorter than usual. Owing to the limited time, I decided to go to Lower Peirce Reservoir Park. The place was slightly wet with many parts of my usual route being muddy. Here's an interested wasp found at the place.

The first beetle was a 20 mm Darkling Beetle (Eucyrtus anthracinus) found among a woodpile near to the start of my usual route.

In the same woodpile was this skittish Ground Beetle (Dolihoctis striata) that promptly disappeared into the wood crevices after one photograph shot.

Near to the woodpile was a patch of low Clidemia hirta plants where several of this commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Adoretus compressus) were found.

Coming to another woodpile, I am glad to find this 20 mm Darkling Beetle.

Nearby at the base of a small tree was another Darkling Beetle (Strongylium tenuipes).

Not too far from the Darkling Beetle was a fallen log with several of this small beetle larvae.

A short distance away from the beetle larvae were several of this commonly encountered Tiger Beetle (Cicindela aurulenta).

On a nearby fallen tree trunk were several fungus mushroom and on one of the fungus mushrooms was this lone 4 mm Fungus Beetle.

Just centimeters away from the Fungus Beetle was a first-time-encountered Pleasing Fungus Beetle. At a cursory glance, it looked like the Micrencaustes lunulata Pleasing Fungus Beetle but differs upon closer comparison of the patterns on the elytra.

A stone's throw away from the Pleasing Fungus Beetle was a small 5 mm Fungus Beetle (Amblyopus vittatus) resting on a leaf.

Time passed by quickly and it was about time to call it a day. Just then this 4 mm Leaf Beetle came into sight.

The last beetle for the trip was this commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Apogonia expeditionis) on a blade of grass.

Although this was a very short trip, it was surprisingly fruitful especially for the first-time-encountered Pleasing Fungus Beetle. Hopefully the next trip to the place will be as fruitful.

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