Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Short Morning Walk At Lower Peirce Reservoir (09 Dec 2017)

I was running some errands around Upper Thomson Road and had some in between time, so I decided to go to the Lower Peirce Reservoir for a short macro-photography session. I was not expecting much from the session as I only have about an hour plus there.

Here's a photograph of a commonly encountered True Bug which many people wrongly identified it as a beetle.

The first beetle for the trip was a 2 mm Lady Bird (Cryptogonus orbiculus).

A stone's throw away was a 4 mm Leaf Beetle (Graphops curtipennis).

There were not many critters encountered possibly because of the overcast sky which looked like it would rain any time soon. After a while of walking, I found this 5 mm Leaf Beetle (Colasposoma auripenne) hiding under some shade.

Coming to some Ixora plants, I was surprised to find this lovely Leaf Beetle on it.

An hour passed by quickly and it was time to go. Just then this lone Fungus Beetle was found on a fallen log next to the trail.

Although only a few beetles were encountered during this trip, it was still considered a good trip as it could have been worse, given that we are now in the monsoon season.

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