Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Recce Walk At Gardens By The Bay (11 Nov 2016)

Gardens By The Bay was opened in June 2012 and since then I have not visited the place for macro photography session. Taking advantage of the fine weather, I decided to go to Gardens By The Bay for a recce trip to see if the place is worth visiting for my future macro photography sessions.

Here's a photograph of the iconic Super Tree and Flower Dome.

The place was full of people, locals and foreigners alike were taking photographs of the various iconic landmarks at the place. It was only after walking for 2 hours that I encountered this 12 mm first-time-encountered Long Horned Beetle (Ceresium raripilum) at a less frequented part of the garden.

The trip was a total disappointment as only one beetle was encountered. Guessed that the place would need more time for the beetle population to be established. Meanwhile, I will probably give the place a miss for a long while to come.

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