Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Saturday, 25 August 2018

Night Walk At Windsor Nature Park (24 Aug 2018)

There was a heavy thunder storm in the morning and the weather throughout the day has been overcast. As I was looking forward to the macro photography session for the whole week, I decided to proceed with the plan and went to Windsor Nature Park.

Instead of the usual route that I take, I decided to go around the edge of the Windsor Nature Park and see if there are anything interesting. As expected all the vegetation at the place were drenching wet, so the chance of finding beetles was expected to be low. Here's a photograph of a commonly encountered Common Four Ring butterfly (Ypthima huebneri).

The first beetle of the trip was a small 1 mm Darkling Beetle found on a small tree near to the carpark.

Near to the 1 mm Darkling Beetle was another 3 mm Darkling Beetle.

Further down the rows of small trees that lined the carpark was this 2 mm Darkling Beetle resting on a small tree..

Coming to a patch of Bamboo Orchid (Arundina graminifolia), I was glad to be able to find several of this Orchid Beetle (Lema pectoralis) feasting on the Bamboo Orchid flower. From the look of the flowers, it is not hard to understand why many beetles are considered a pest. Notwithstanding this fact, it is still one of my favorite beetles found in Singapore.

The surprise find for the night was this diurnal Leaf Beetle (Hoplosaenidea singaporensis) out in the open. It has been a while I last encountered it.

There is a tarred walking path that fringed the Windsor Nature Park and so for the night, my plan was to explore both sides of the path for beetles. To my pleasant surprise, I managed to find several of this Tiger Beetle (Cicindela aurulenta) around a muddy patch next to the path.

Near to the Tiger Beetle was a 3 mm Fungus Weevil (Habrissus omadioides) at the base of a small tree.

Near to the Fungus Weevil was a lone 10 mm Darkling Beetle (Ceropria induta) on a fallen log.

On another fallen log nearby was another 15 mm Darkling Beetle.

The vegetation along side the path consists mainly of tall grass bushes and small trees on the side of Windsor Nature Park, and the other side of the path is mainly lined with the Leea rubra plant. Here's a commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Adoretus compressus) found on the "wilder" side of the path.

A stone's throw away was another Chafer Beetle.

Coming to a spot where there were several fallen logs and on a low bush next to them was this 10 mm first-time-encountered Long Horned Beetle.

On one of the logs was a pair of 2 mm Darklng Beetles.

On the same log was this 1 mm Darkling Beetle.

On another fallen log was this 10 mm commonly encountered Darkling Beetle.

On the last fallen log at the spot was this 4 mm Sap Beetle, busily feasting on the black fungus that it was on.

It was after a while of walking before coming across this 8 mm Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus tetrapilotus) on a low bush.

Some more walking before finding several of this Leaf Beetle (Hemipyxis semiviridis) on a tapioca plant.

It was time to turn back and on the way back there were several of this commonly encountered brown Chafer Beetles found on the Leea rubra plants by the side of the path.

The last beetle for the trip was another commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Apogonia expeditionis) found feasting on the Leea rubra flowers.

Although the number of beetles found on this trip was relatively small compared to previous trips to the place, it is still considered to be a fruitful one given the super wet weather. Indeed Windsor Nature Park is one of my favorite places to visit for finding beetles.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Night Walk At MacRitchie Reservoir Park (17 Aug 2018)

It has been many months since I last went to MacRitchie Reservoir Park and so I decided to go there for a walk. The weather has been very hot and dry for the entire week, so I am mentally prepared to find very few beetles on this trip. Nevertheless I proceeded with the trip.

The place as expected was bone dry and not many critters were out. Here's a photograph of a diurnal butterfly (Mycalesis mineus macromalayana) resting on a leaf.

The first beetle for the trip was a commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Adoretus compressus) munching on a leaf.

A short distance from the Adoretus compressus Chafer Beetle was another Chafer Beetle.

As expected, it was only after walking for a while before I found this small 5 mm Darkling Beetle on a small tree.

It was another long while of walking before finding this 3 mm Fungus Weevil on a small tree.

On the same tree were several beetle larvae, all under a thin layer of web.

A stone's throw away was another small tree where this Darkling Beetle (Strongylium sp.) was found.

After a long while of walking without finding any beetle, I was about to turn back. Just then I came by a small tree where this interesting looking 5 mm Straight-snouted Weevil (Family Brentidae) was found.

On the same tree was this 10 mm Long Horned Beetle (Nedine adversa).

Still on the same tree, a 12 mm Fungus Weevil was resting at the base of the tree.

Several centimeters away from the Fungus Weevil was this smaller 5 mm Fungus Weevil.

Further up the same tree was this 1 mm Fungus Weevil.

On another side of the tree was a 5 mm first-time-encountered Checkered Beetle.

At the base of the tree was this Ambrosia Beetle digging into the tree. This is a sure sign that the tree is dying, which explain why I found so many beetles on this particular tree.

Just before I call it a day and turn back, I decided to check out a small fallen log where this Darkling Beetle (Ceropria superba) was found.

Near to the Darkling Beetle was a first-time-encountered Pleasing Fungus Beetle. At a cursory glance, it looked like the Triplatoma gestroi Pleasing Fungus Beetle, but upon closer examination of the pattern on its pronotum, the pattern is different from that of the Triplatoma gestroi Pleasing Fungus Beetle.

At the turn back point, I found this 4 mm Martinezostes sp. beetle, looking like a small ball.

On the return route, I found this 5 mm Darkling Beetle (Strongylium tenuipes) on a small tree.

On the same tree was this 1 mm active Fungus Beetle, moving about the tree. Pardon the badly taken photograph as I was in a hurry to catch it before it went further up the tree.

Nearing the exit was a large bush of Singapore Rhododendron (Melastoma malabathricum) plant where several of this commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Apogonia expeditionis) was found.

The last beetle for the trip was another commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Aprosterna pallide) feasting on a Singapore Rhododendron flower.

This trip was surprisingly fruitful, especially given the dry and hot weather. I am also glad to be able to find two first-time-encountered beetles.

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Morning Walk At Windsor Nature Park (11 Aug 2018)

It has been quite a while that I did any macro photography in the morning, and so I decided to change this Friday's night macro session to the next morning. In order to have a higher chance of success, I have chosen the Windsor Nature Park.

Here's a photograph of some interesting fungus that I found growing on some rotting wood. Each round "ball" is less than 1 mm in size.

The first beetle for the trip was a 3 mm Spiny Leaf Beetle, found on a blade of grass.

Near to the Spiny Leaf Beetle was a skittish Leaf Beetle (Lema diversa) which proved to be a challenge to photograph due to its constant flying about.

Just a stone's throw away was another slightly bigger 5 mm Spiny Leaf Beetle (Dicladispa armigera) resting on a leaf.

Further down the path were several of the Elephant Ear Plant (Alocasia Macrorrhiza) where this lone Ant-like Flower Beetle (Anthelephila cyanea) was found.

Just before the entrance to the Venus Loop, I was glad to find this 2 mm Leaf Beetle (Lema cyanella) hiding under a leaf.

As I was combing through the low bushes for beetles, this 3 mm Net-winged Beetle caught my eyes with its bright red coloration. Upon closer examination, I was surprised to see that it has a deformed elytra. Just when I was wanting to take more shots, it promptly flew off into the thick bushes.

It was only after a while of walking that I found this lovely Fungus Beetle (Stenotarsus pardalis) resting on a low bush. It remained pretty much motionless through all the camera flashes. How I wish all the beetles I found are like this. :)

Finally I came to a fallen log where several different beetles were found. Here's a Pleasing Fungus Beetle (Triplatoma gestroi) munching on the tree bark.

Next to the Pleasing Fungus Beetle was another Fungus Beetle (Episcapha xanthopustulata).

On the other end of the fallen log was this 10 mm Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus assamensis).

Near to the Fungus Beetle was a relatively big beetle larva.

While I was photographing the beetle larva, my eyes were attracted to a "flash" of pink and found this pretty pink color Fungus Weevil.

Moving on, I came across a highly rotten tree where several Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus tetraspilotus) were found hiding under a big bracket fungus mushroom.

Just centimeters away from the Eumorphus tetraspilotus Fungus Beetle was this lone Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus politus).

More walking before I encounter this lovely Leaf Beetle (Arcastes biplagiata) under a leaf. This turned out to be a lesson on how to contort my body in order to get a good shot of it.

The last beetle for the trip was a beetle larva, resting on a small tree.

Although the number of beetles encountered was much lower than what I usually get when I visit Windsor Nature Park, I am still glad to be able to find so many beetles on this trip. At the same time, I am happy that I can test out a new set of DIY flash diffuser. This new set of diffusers work better than expected, as can be seen from the photographs above.