Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Night Walk At Ang Mo Kio Garden West (26 Jul 2019)

I was on holiday in Genting Highlands recently and found some beetles. Comparing the number of beetles encountered during my previous trip to Genting Highlands, it was a great disappointment as I only encountered a handful of beetles during this trip. Nevertheless, here are some of the beetles encountered there.

For this week night macro session, HW wanted to explore the remaining part of the Ang Mo Kio Garden Park West which we didn't get to do during our last trip there. The first critter that we encountered was this interesting looking Praying Mantis that looks like a stick.

The first beetle for the trip was a commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Adoretus compressus).

A short walk from the Adoretus compressus Chafer Beetle was another brownish-black Chafer Beetle.

After a while of walking without finding any beetles, this commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Apogonia expeditionis) was a welcomed sight.

A stone's throw from the Apogonia expeditionis Chafer Beetle was another Chafer Beetle.

The last beetle encountered was a small group of Water Beetle (Donacia javana) usually found on water lilies or lotus leaves in a pond.

The number of beetles encountered on this trip was rather disappointing, but not unexpected given the current hot and dry weather in Singapore. 

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Night Walk At Windsor Park (05 Jul 2019)

The weather for this week has been hot and dry, so HW and I decided to go to Windsor Nature Park for our macro session as we have a higher chance of finding beetles there in this dry weather.

Here's a photograph of a 20 mm  interesting looking Leaf Hopper. This is the biggest Leaf Hopper that I have ever encountered.

The place was undergoing reforestation and hence a big area has been cleared for replanting. With the clearing, there were a number of cut down logs that lined the perimeter of the cleared area. On one of the cut log was this 5 mm Martinezostes sp. beetle

Not too far away from the Martinezostes sp. beetle was a Leaf Beetle (Hemipyxis semiviridis).

Just a short walk from the Leaf Beetle was a fallen log where several of this 10 mm commonly encountered Darkling Beetle were found.

Near to the Darkling Beetle was a small tree where this beetle larva was on it.

On the same tree was this 5 mm Darkling Beetle.

On another tree nearby was this 1 mm Fungus Beetle.

Next to the 1 mm Fungus Beetle was another Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus quadriguttatus quadriguttatus) resting on a thin vine.

Walking deeper into the trail, we came across a large fallen tree where many bracket fungus were on it. Here's one of the first-time-encountered Fungus Beetle found on the bracket fungus.

On the underside of a large bracket fungus was this long time didn't encounter Darkling Beetle (Platydema unicornis).

On another bracket fungus was this 10 mm Pleasing Fungus Beetle (Micrencaustes lunulata).

Centimeters away was this Sap Beetle munching on some white color fungus.

On a low tree next to the fallen log was a Shiny Fungus Beetle.

Moving from the fallen log, a 3 mm Darkling Beetle was found on a small tree next to the trail.

Near to the Darkling Beetle was a tree stump where this well camouflaged Long Horned Beetle (Coptops lichenea) was found.

At the top of the tree stump was this interesting looking 10 mm Weevil.

On the other side of the tree stump was this 5 mm purplish grey beetle. Not sure what beetle was it but it looked like a Darkling Beetle.

Nearby on the same tree stump was a female Fungus Weevil (Anthribus wallacei).

Still on the tree stump was this 8 mm Fungus Weevil (Eucorynus crassicornis).

Moving on, this 10 mm bluish Darkling Beetle was seen moving quickly on a small tree.

Hiding between two leaves was this black Ground Beetle.

Near to the Ground Beetle was a Chafer Beetle enjoying its leafy meal.

Coming to yet another fallen log, a beautiful Ground Beetle (Catascopus dalberisi) was  found.

Next to the Ground Beetle was a 10 mm Darkling Beetle (Eucyrtus anthracinus).

On a dead branch on the fallen log was another Darkling Beetle (Ceropria induta).

Walking further down the trail, a first-time-encountered 10 mm Darkling Beetle was found.

Coming to a tree, my attention was captured by this odd sight where this pair of mating Click Beetle (Xanthopenthes schawalleri) were suspended on a spider web. After taking a few photographs of them, I decided to intervene and helped them out of the spider web.

On the same tree where the Click Beetles were found, was this purplish color Darkling Beetle.

On a small tree near by was this 1 mm Darkling Beetle. It is interesting to note that the Darkling Beetle looked like the other Darkling Beetles, just that the size is a fraction of those that I came across earlier on.

Time passed by quickly and we decided to turn back. Just at the entrance of the trail I found this 4 mm Darkling Beetle on a cut down tree.

On the same cut down tree was this gutted Ground Beetle.

This trip was very fruitful despite the hot and dry weather. Windsor Nature Park is indeed the best place to look for beetles.