Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Night Walk At Windsor Nature Park (22 Nov 2019)

It has been rainy this week, so HW and I decided to go to Windsor Nature Park to see if we can take some photographs of luminous fungus mushrooms. When we reached the place, the sky overhead looked gloomy and threatened to rain. Nevertheless we decided to continue to see what we can get despite the wet vegetation at the place.

Here's an interesting Ram Horn snail crawling on a fallen log.

The first beetle for the trip was a Chafer Beetle chewing a leaf.

On a small tree nearby was a  1 mm Fungus Beetle.

Near to the Fungus Beetle was a pair of 2 mm Darkling Beetle.

Further down the track was a rotten tree (commonly Dead Fall) found by HW. On it were several different beetles. Here's a photograph of a 4 mm Ground Beetle (Coptodera marginate).

On the same tree was another Ground Beetle (Minuthodes multisetosa).

At the base of the rotten tree was a Fungus Weevil (Eucorynus crassicornis).

Down at the base of the tree was a lovely 10 mm Darkling Beetle.

On the another side of the tree was a female Fungus Weevil (Antribus wallacei).

Next to the rotten tree was this Long Horn beetle (Coptops annulipes).

Next to the rotten tree was a low bush where this Darkling Beetle was found.

On a small tree near by was this small beetle larva. It is always great to find beetle larvae  as it is a sign that the beetles are reproducing.

On a small cut log that lined the track was a 10 mm Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus quadriguttatus quadriguttatus).

On the log were several of this beetle larvae.

At the end of the log was this commonly encountered Darkling Beetle.

Just when I was photographing these interesting 1-2 mm beetles and spring-tails, the sky started to drizzle.

Although our trip was shortened prematurely by the rain, the number of beetles encountered was still considered good. 

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Night Walk At Island Club Road (15 Nov 2019)

For this week's night macro photography, HW and I decided to go to the Island Club Road for a walk. Although it rained in the day time, the place was still relatively dry. Here's a photograph of a Stick Insect encountered at the place.

The first beetle was a 10 mm  Fungus Beetle found a fallen tree.

It was after a while of walking that I came across another Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus tetraspilotus) resting on a leaf.

Some distance away was another fallen log where there were several large fungus mushrooms growing on it, and inside the mushrooms were several of this 3 mm Silken Fungus Beetle (Triplax rufipes).

The highlight for the trip was this first-time-encountered Ground Beetle (Chlaenius virgulifer). It was hyperactive and was crawling around the ground very quickly. Sadly I was not able to catch any good shot of the beetle.

On a small tree along the route was a 5 mm Darkling Beetle.

More walking without finding any critters and this interesting looking beetle larva found on a fallen log was a welcomed sight.

On the same log was this Rove Beetle which was a challenge to photograph with its non-stop movement across the log.

More walking before finding this 5 mm beetle (Martinezostes sp.) on a rotten standing tree.

Near to the Martinezostes sp. beetle was a 3 mm Darkling Beetle on a small tree.

The last beetle for the trip was a Long Horned Beetle (Epepeotes luscus) which happened to land on HW's flash diffuser.

Although the trip was not as fruitful as expected but finding the first-time-encountered Ground Beetle was worth the trip, albeit that I didn't manage to get a good shot of the beetle.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Night Walk Along Upper Thomson Road (01 Nov 2019)

The weather was pretty good and so HW and I decided to go for a night macro photography session. For this night, we decided to take a walk along the Upper Thomson Road. There were several types of mushrooms along the route that we took, and here is an interesting looking mushroom with its furry cap.

Sadly there was not many beetles along the road and this 5 mm commonly encountered Darkling Beetle came after a while of walking.

Some more walking before this commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Apogonia expeditionis) was found on a freshly eaten leaf.

The last beetle was a surprise find as I was not expecting to find any of this Fungus Beetle (Episcapha xanthopustulata) along the route.

The number of beetles encountered was really pathetic. Without doubt I will unlikely to come back on this route for my night macro photography session.