Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Monday, 30 November 2020

Night Walk At Tampines Eco Green (27 Oct 2020)

 It has been raining a lot in Singapore recently and together with my busy schedule, I have not done any macro photography session for quite a while. Taking the opportunity that the weather was pretty dry for the day, HW and I decided to go for a night macro session at Tampines Eco Green,

As mentioned in my previous post, there seemed to be something wrong with my camera that caused the focus of my camera not as sharp as before. Nevertheless, I am determined to get some photographs during this session.

Here's a photograph of an Asian Red and Black Long Horn Grasshopper. I particularly like this shot as the brown dried grass seeds contrasted strongly with the grasshopper. 

Chafer Beetle (Adoretus compressus) ~ 8 mm

Chafer Beetle (Apogonia expeditionis) ~ 8 mm

First-time-encounter Long Horne Beetle (~15 mm) found on the boarding put up for the constructions along the Tampines river.

Chafer Beetle (Aprosterna pallide) ~ 8 mm

Chafer Beetle (Maladera castanea) ~ 5 mm

Gold Dust Weevil (Hypomece squamosus) ~ 15 mm

Although the trip was not fruitful, the Gold Dust Beetle encountered near the end of our trip has made the trip worth the while as it has been years I last encountered the Gold Dust Beetle.