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Saturday, 21 November 2015

Night Walk At Coney Island (20 Nov 2015)

I was rather curious whether the newly opened Coney Island would have interesting beetles, so I decided to make a trip down to the place.

The surprise find for the trip was this 10 cm Brahminy Blind Snake (Ramphotyphlops braminus).

The trip started off well with the encounter of this Chafer Beetle at the beginning of the 1 KM walk from the Punggol Jetty to the entrance of Coney Island.

Sadly, the walk from Punggol Jetty to the Coney Island only yielded one beetle and it was only after about 10 minutes of walking from the Western Entrance of Coney Island before finding this hairy Chafer Beetle on a blade of lalang grass.

 The place was pretty dry and there were not many critters encountered besides some small moths, spiders and grasshoppers. I walked for almost about an hour on the island without finding any beetle and decided to call it a day. Just as I embarked on the 1 KM walk back to Punggol Jetty, I came across a small open area where this Chafer Beetle (Apogonia expeditionis) was found.

As I walked along the return path, I chanced upon a small path that leads into some wooded areas and decided to check it out. To my disappointment, I only found this small 5 mm Darkling Beetle on one of the trees along the small path.

The last beetle for the trip was a Chafer Beetle found next to the open car park at Punggol Jetty.

The trip was a total disappointment and it seemed like it would probably take a few years before the place would have interesting critters or beetles to photograph. Meanwhile, I would probably not go there for a long while.

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed that Coney Island and the nearby parts of Punggol seem to be a good place to find Lepidiota stigma - quite a few crushed on the paths and park connector.
