Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Friday, 28 December 2012

Fungus Beetles' Paradise (28th Dec 2012)

My curiosity got the better of me and I make a short spin to the place late in the night.
Interestingly, less than a minute that I stepped into the Venus Drive Trail, this beautiful ground beetle came to greet me:
A beautiful creature indeed.
Next stop - Fungus Beetles' Paradise. Well, I almost lost the location due to the surrounding darkness; almost got disorientated but fortunately I found the Fungus Beetles' Paradise almost 10 minutes later.
At first I thought it was a let down as I don't see as many fungus beetles as I saw a few days back in the day.  Only saw a number of this (which I have noticed but pay no attention to them earlier on) :

Seems like the beetle met a horrible end. Aliens in the beetle world?
Just when I was about to leave the place, this little beetle turned up. I search high and low for other similar beetles but found none. This is the only subject that I need to capture quickly as it was super-hyper, moving all over the place non-stop.

Interesting spot pattern, look like the Halloween's pumpkin, another fungus beetle on the list of the Fungus Beetles' Paradise.
Then later another fungus beetle that I didn't come across during the day emerges :

Another member at the Fungus Beeltes' Paradise.
Moving on to another spot, I got a nice glimpse of a weevil beetle before it fell to the ground. Talk about being camera shy.

Staying in the same tree as the weevil beetle was a small long horned beetle. The beetle is no bigger than a Singapore 5 cent coin.

Further down the trail, I came across a few 'melting' mushroom and interestingly, there are many tiny little fungus beetles having a party on the cap of the mushroom.

The tiny beetles were moving so fast that I was not able to get a decent shot.
Just a few mushroom away is what looks like a beetle larvae:

Here's a shot of another beetle larve encountered on the trip:

ID anyone?
Just when I thought that the walk would not get any better, something flew towards my lights. A Bess Beetle (Aceraius grandis). Wow, this is the first time I come across this in Singapore, even though this is very common in our neighbor Malaysia.

Coming across the Bess Beetle at the end of the night trip was a fabulous way to end the trip indeed.

Monday, 24 December 2012

A walk at Venus Drive (24 Dec 2012)

It's been a long while since I last went for a walk in our nature reserves.  Making the best of the sunny day, I decided to take a walk at Venus Drive. The place was a little bit muddy due to showers over the past few days. Not expecting to find many beetles since most of my encounters with beetle are in the night, but this trip proves otherwise.
My first encounter with a pretty little beetle came after only 10 minutes of walking. (Please let me know the name if you know it.)

Pardon the quality of the photograph as I was trying out first time a 4x macro filter with my Canon SX30 IS camera. Hope to be able to get use to it and get better pictures in the future.
After some walking, I came across a location with a fallen tree. Feeling bored and so I decided to take a closer look. What looked like a boring fallen tree turned out to be a treasure trove for fungus beetles.  I later termed the place as Fungus Beetle Paradise.

Here's the reason why I call the place Fungus Beetles' Paradise - the place was full of fungus beetles. All busily moving about in broad daylight. Not only that they were out in numbers in the day, there were easily 7 or more different fungus beetles on the same tree.
Here's fungus beetle #1 (ID needed):

Fungus beetle #2 (ID needed) :

Fungus beetle #3 (Eumorphus quadriguttatus quadriguttatus):

Fungus beetle #4 (Eumorphus dilatatus turritus):

Fungus beetle#5 (ID needed):

Fungus beetle #6 (ID needed):

This fungus beetle was some character - super hyperactive and easily spooked. So took a bit of 'chasing'  before managed to snap this photo.

Fungus beetle #7 (ID needed):

It was indeed a surprise for me to see so many different fungus beetle on the same tree. Hoping to be able to visit it during the night. Who knows how many more fungus beetles that can be found on that single tree.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Welcome to Beetles@SG

This has always been on my mind, to start a website and blog for one of my
favorite topics - beetles. Procastination has gotten a better part of me and this has always remained as a thought that occassionally comes back to bug me.

The thought of creating a website and blog was once again reignited by my recent trip to Genting Highlands in West Malaysia, and coupled with the opportunity that I am clearing my annual leave, I finally got down to do something about it.

The intent of the website and blog is to provide a platform for the sharing of all things related to beetles, and if all goes well, to have more information and knowledge sharing on beetles found in Singapore.

Your contributions to Beetles@SG website are most welcomed. If you have any photographs* or information on beetles found in Singapore and would like to share them, please feel free and send them to me at

Here's the URL for Beetles@SG website :

* Only photographs that are taken by you or you own the rights to them, please. Thank you.