Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Monday, 24 December 2012

A walk at Venus Drive (24 Dec 2012)

It's been a long while since I last went for a walk in our nature reserves.  Making the best of the sunny day, I decided to take a walk at Venus Drive. The place was a little bit muddy due to showers over the past few days. Not expecting to find many beetles since most of my encounters with beetle are in the night, but this trip proves otherwise.
My first encounter with a pretty little beetle came after only 10 minutes of walking. (Please let me know the name if you know it.)

Pardon the quality of the photograph as I was trying out first time a 4x macro filter with my Canon SX30 IS camera. Hope to be able to get use to it and get better pictures in the future.
After some walking, I came across a location with a fallen tree. Feeling bored and so I decided to take a closer look. What looked like a boring fallen tree turned out to be a treasure trove for fungus beetles.  I later termed the place as Fungus Beetle Paradise.

Here's the reason why I call the place Fungus Beetles' Paradise - the place was full of fungus beetles. All busily moving about in broad daylight. Not only that they were out in numbers in the day, there were easily 7 or more different fungus beetles on the same tree.
Here's fungus beetle #1 (ID needed):

Fungus beetle #2 (ID needed) :

Fungus beetle #3 (Eumorphus quadriguttatus quadriguttatus):

Fungus beetle #4 (Eumorphus dilatatus turritus):

Fungus beetle#5 (ID needed):

Fungus beetle #6 (ID needed):

This fungus beetle was some character - super hyperactive and easily spooked. So took a bit of 'chasing'  before managed to snap this photo.

Fungus beetle #7 (ID needed):

It was indeed a surprise for me to see so many different fungus beetle on the same tree. Hoping to be able to visit it during the night. Who knows how many more fungus beetles that can be found on that single tree.

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