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Friday, 24 October 2014

Short Walk At Bukit Brown Cemetery (25 Oct 2014)

After running a morning errand I was around the vicinity of the Bukit Brown Cemetery and so I decided to drop by there for a short walk. The construction of a new road that cut across the cemetery was in full swing, and a segment of the cemetery was boarded up but there are still a large part of the cemetery that are untouched.

It has been a while I was last there (  and the last time when I attempted to visit the place again, I was stopped from entering the place due to the exhumation of graves affected by the construction. For those who are interested in knowing more about the cemetery, please visit a website on the cemetery (

The first beetle that I came across was a familiar Leaf Beetle (Aulacophora frontalis).

Moving to some young Elephant Ear Plant (about 50 cm tall), I was surprised to find a Ant-like Flower Beetle (Anthelephila cyanea) hiding under it.

Near to the Ant-like Beetle was a very alert Leaf Beetle that promptly flew away after one flash from my camera.

The mosquitoes at the place is as bad as I last remembered it and I am thankful that my insect repellent work pretty well and I only got bitten at two spots prior to applying it.  In order not to be bitten by the mosquitoes, I decided to keep to the main paths and not venture into the bushes. While walking along the path, I found this beetle larvae on a leaf.

Hiding under a blade of grass was a small 5 mm first-time-encountered Net-winged Beetle.

Along the sides of the paths at the cemetery were sporadic patches of tall plants and bushes. These are the places that I focused on. On one of such patches I was pleasantly surprised to find this hairy Leaf Beetle (Trichochrysea hirta).

I made a mistake earlier on by leaving my drinking bottle in the car, so in order that I don't get any heatstroke from the hot temperature, I decided to end the walk. While walking back to the car, I came across a fallen tree and decided to check it out.  In the shaded area of the fallen tree were several of this Leaf Beetle (Lema diversa).

On the same fallen tree was a Weevil Beetle which promptly fall off the tree trunk after a few camera shots.

The place still seemed promising despite the small number of beetles found. I guessed that given more time, I would be able to find more beetles at the place as proven by the last trip I made to the place.

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