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Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Morning Walk At Lower Peirce Reservoir (05 Sep 2015)

My friend Cameron asked me if I would join him and his daughter Samantha for a spider collection trip (with permission). I decided to join them on the trip to Lower Peirce Reservoir despite my aching muscles due to a physically tiring day before. We managed to find several of the jumping spider that Samantha is looking for.

Here's an interesting spider that I came across during the trip.

While looking out for the spider, I managed to find a few beetles. Here's a first-time-encountered Tortoiseshell Beetle. This was the highlight of the trip as I was not expecting to find any thing special for this trip.

There were several Ladybird Beetle (Cryptogonus orbiculus) found at the place but they were super skittish and partially due to my tired shaky hands and legs, I was not able to get a good shot of them. Here's a poorly taken photograph to record the encounter.

Here's another small 2 mm Leaf Beetle that I encountered while looking for the target spider.

The last beetle that I found in between finding spider was this shiny Leaf Beetle.

Although the objective of the trip was to look for spiders, I am glad to be able to find a first-time-encountered Tortoiseshell Beetle. This was an interesting trip as I got to learn a little bit more about our native jumping spiders.

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