Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Night Walk At Windsor Nature Park (20 Dec 2019)

The weather in Singapore has been rainy for the past few weeks and today the weather seemed good, so HW and I decided to go for our night macro photography session at the Windsor Nature Park.

During the trip, I came across some brightly colored critters which I think were the larvae of Thrips. If you know what they are, appreciate that you can leave me a note.

The first beetle of the trip is the commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Adoretus compressus) feeding on a leaf.

Near to the Adoretus compressus Chafer Beetle was another commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Apogonia expeditionis).

There were many fallen logs along the trail and on one of the fallen logs were a small aggregation of this Fungus Beetle (Episcapha quadrimacula).

On the same log was a lovely Ground Beetle (Catascopus dalbertisi).

Walking along the trail, I was surprised to find this lone commonly encountered Tiger Beetle (Cicindela aurulenta) resting on a low bush.

Near to the Tiger Beetle was a Long Horned Beetle which was hiding under a Air Potato leaf. Owing to the awkward angle, I was not able to get a good shot of the beetle.

On a small tree near by was a 3 mm Fungus Weevil (Habrissus omadioides).

On the same tree was a 1 mm Darkling Beetle.

Walking further down the trail, this Chafer Beetle was found on a leaf node of a low bush.

On a small tree by the side of the trail was a Fungus Weevil (Eucorynus crassicornis).

On the same tree was this pupa of a Fungus Beetle.

Coming to a dying tree, several of this Long Horned Beetle (Coptops annulipes) were on the tree.

On the same tree was this long-time didn't encounter Long Horned Beetle (Thranius bimaculatus).

Centimeters from the Thranius bimachulatus Long Horned Beetle was a female Fungus Weevil (Anthribus wallacei).

On a small tree next to the dying tree was a 5 mm Darkling Beetle.

On another tree nearby was this 5 mm Weevil Beetle.

On the same tree was a 1 mm Fungus Beetle.

Moving on, a Ground Beetle was found resting on a Clidemia hirta leaf.

Nearby was another black color Ground Beetle.

At the base of the tree where the Ground Beetle was found was this 10 mm Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus mirus).

At the part where there were two rows of sawed tree trunks, this 10 mm Darkling Beetle was on one of the tree trunks.

Near to the sawed tree trunks was a small tree where this pretty Ground Beetle (Neocoptodera tetrapitolota) was found.

On another fallen tree further down the trail was this beetle larva, likely belonging to the Drakling Beetle family.

On the same log were several of this Darkling Beetle (Ceropria superba).

Next to the Ceropria superba Darkling Beetle was a 1 mm brown color beetle, likely to be a Sap Beetle.

On another fallen log nearby was this 10 mm Darkling Beetle (Ceropria induta).

On a tree next to the fallen log was this colorful beetle larva, likely that of a Fungus Beetle.

Just slightly before we turn back and call it a day, this Sap Beetle was found chewing on the fungus mushroom growing on the log.

Below the Sap Beetle were several of this Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus assamensis).

The highlight for the night was the enounter of this Ground Beetle (Physodera eschcholtzii). I rarely encounter this Ground Beetle and was pleasantly surprised to find several of them around the same area.

The last beetle for the trip was a 5 mm Darkling Beetle. This particular specimen was quite different from the other beetles that I encountered previously in that this specimen does not have a purplish sheen on it.

This trip was very fruitful even though we did not find any first-time-encounter beetles. Hopefully we will be able to go for more night macro sessions in the next few weeks as we are still in the midst of the wet phase of the Northeast Monsoon season.

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