Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Close Encounter With Coconut Beetle - Oryctes rhinoceros (09 Sep 2020)

 I got lazy. Ever since the Covid-19 Circuit Breaker was in force in early Apr 2020, my weekly routine of macro-photography was disrupted. The last time I went for a macro photography session was on 26 Jun 2020.  

Recently, someone sent me two photographs of a Xylotrupes beckeri Rhinoceros Beetle that the person found in Singapore. On first glance, I thought that it is Xylotrupes gideon, but upon closer examination it looked like Xylotrupes beckeri instead. Not aware that Xylotrupes beckeri is native to Singapore, I consulted an expert and found out that there were previous records of Xylotrupes beckeri being found in Singapore. Thanks to this Xylotrupes beckeri, my interests in beetles was once again rekindled. Hopefully, I will resume my macro photography sessions soon. Here are the two photographs that I received (PS: I have gotten permission to use the photographs):

With my renewed interests in macro photography, I was fortunate to come across a pair of Coconut Beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros):

By now, you would have noticed that the male and female Coconut Beetle look similar. To differentiate between male and female Coconut Beetle, all you need to do is to look at the tip of the beetle's abdomen. Only the female Coconut Beetle has hairs at the tip of their abdomen. 

BTW, the blog editor was changed recently and I am still getting used to the new blog editor. Nevertheless, I will keep to the look and feel of Beetles@SG. If there are differences, appreciate your understanding and continuous support. Thank you.  

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