Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Friday, 17 November 2017

Night Walk At Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (17 Nov 2017)

The weather was forecasted to be stormy in the late afternoon but it turned out to be cloudy instead. Taking advantage of the good weather in this monsoon period, I decided to go to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve for my macro photography session.

I was particularly looking forward to this week's session as I wanted to test out my new flash diffuser setup and more importantly, I wanted to try out my DIY grip for my Sony A6000 camera. I have been rather frustrated with the camera's grip as it was designed to be used with its original kit lens. As I am using an A-mount macro lens with the camera, the balance of the camera was off which makes one-hand operation of the camera difficult.

My DIY hand grip.

For this trip, I was particularly thrilled by the encounter with this brightly colored 10 mm bug. I am not sure what it is but it looked very much belonging to the Lantern Bug family.

The first beetle for the trip was a 10 mm Fungus Beetle found on a tree log used to line the path leading to the entrance of trail that I am taking.

On another tree log were several of this 3 mm Darkling Beetles.

At the entrance of the trail was this Chafer Beetle (Apogonia expeditionis) munching on a leaf.

Near to the Chafer Beetle was a Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus tetraspilotus).

A stone's throw away was a commonly encountered 10 mm Darkling Beetle.

There were a number of fallen logs that lined the sides of the trail and on one of them was this small 3 mm Darkling Beetle feasting on an orange color fungus mushroom.

On another fungus mushroom nearby was a 5 mm Rove Beetle.

Walking further down the trail, I was surprised to find a Pleasing Fungus Beetle (Triplatoma gestroi) on a torn leaf.

Near to the Pleasing Fungus Beetle was one of my favorite Leaf Beetle (Hemipyxis semiviridis).

Coming to a small tree, I was surprised to find several of this 5 mm Weevil Beetle.

On a tree next to the Weevil Beetle was another larger 10 mm Weevil Beetle (Microspathe fuliginosa).

Time passed quickly and I have reached the mid way point. I was glad to find this Long Horned Beetle (Epepeotes luscus) on a small bush.

Moving to the trail leading back to the "entrance", a 8 mm Darkling Beetle (Strongylium sp.) was found at the base of a small tree.

There were several freshly chopped woodpiles at the mid way point and among the woodpiles were a number of beetles. Several Darkling Beetle (Ceropria induta) were found on one of the woodpile.

On the cut portion of a chopped tree were several of this 5 mm Ground Beetle (Dolichoctis striata) running about the log.

Next to the Dolichoctis striata Ground Beetle was another larger 10 mm Ground Beetle on a leaf of the chopped tree.

Running along side the Dolichoctis striata Ground Beetle was another 5 mm Ground Beetle (Pericalus sp.)

On one of the chopped tree was a 8 mm first-time-encountered Click Beetle.

Next to the Click Beetle was a Fungus Weevil (Stiboderes impressus) found on a small tree next to the woodpile.

On another tree log was this 10 mm Click Beetle.

There was a small rock next to the woodpile and on it was a round 5 mm Darkling Beetle.

The last beetle for the trip was a 10 mm Fungus Beetle found on a ginger plant.

The trip was a fruitful one with a good number of beetles encountered. More importantly, I was able to test out my flash diffuser setup and my DIY camera grip. I am glad that my DIY grip works well and I can easily take photographs with one hand. As for the flash diffuser, I need to increase the size of the foam in order to fully remove the hot-spot in some of the photograph. Overall it was a good trip.

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