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Friday, 1 August 2014

Night Walk At MacRitchie Nature Trail (01 Aug 2014)

I just got a Tamron SP AF 60mm F2 Macro 1:1 lens this week and I was itching to give it a "field test". I decided to go to MacRitchie Nature Trail for a quick walk as it is the most convenient location for me. Here's a photograph taken in Night Scene mode using the new lens. I am surprised to find that the photograph looked more like it was taken in the late evening, even though it was taken at about 10.30 pm.

The first beetle that came into view was a Leaf Beetle (Colasposoma auripenne).

Near to the Leaf Beetle was some young Elephant Ear Plant and under one of the leaf was a lovely Ladybird Beetle (Heteroneda recticulata).

Moving further down the trail, a commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Apogonia expeditionis) was resting on the under side of a leaf.

A pleasant find was this Tiger Beetle (Cicindela aurulenta) sleeping on a leaf.

On a tree near by was a 3 mm Darkling Beetle.

A stone's throw away was a fallen tree and on it was another Darkling Beetle.

A surprised find was this Long Horned Beetle (Coptops aurulipes) that was actively chewing on this dead log.

Just above the Long Horn Beetle was a Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus quadriguttatus quadriguttatus) resting on a leaf.

Further down the same log was this Fungus Weevil (Antribus wallacei).

Moving further, a first-time-encountered Long Horned Beetle was seen chewing off the bark of a fallen log. It feel so good to find two Long Horned Beetles in close proximity of each other.

On the end of another fallen tree was this small 4 mm Ground Beetle (Minuthodes multisetosa). It was not a good shot due to it being almost close to the ground.

Coming to a patch of Singapore Rhododendron (Melastoma malabathricum), I was not surprised to find a number of this Chafer Beetles (Adoretus compressus).

On a tree further down the trail was what I initially thought a cockroach but it turned up to be a Ground Beetle. I have encountered this type of beetles several times before but was still not able to identify it.

On another tree near by was this small 2 mm Darkling Beetle. I am glad that the new macro lens work very well so far, even in dim light condition.

Clinging onto the side of a tree was this sleeping small 5 mm Fungus Weevil. This beetle is easily spooked in the day and would required longer macro lens to capture it.

The next beetle was a 15 mm Darkling Beetle, likely to be in the Strongylium genus.

Up a small slope near to the Darkling Beetle was a massive fallen tree, so out of curiosity I took a look at it and found this nicely patterned Ground Beetle (Coptodera marfinata).

On the same log were many of this beetle larvae, busily crawling around looking for food.

It has been a while I last visited this trail and on this trip I found a number of "freshly" sawed trees that lined the side of the trail. This could have been caused by the heavy rain a while back that saw many trees fell all around Singapore. On one of these new fallen tree was this first-time-encountered beetle. Not sure which family it belongs to but it is likely to be a Fungus Beetle.

On another really "freshly" sawed tree trunk, a lone Click Beetle was resting on it. It was pretty alert and started to evade my lights after this shot. Noticed the number of tree-rings this tree have?

On another fallen tree nearby, a tiny 2 mm Fungus Beetle was seen having its dinner on some fungus.

Time flew by quickly and it was time for me to go, just then a Fungus Beetle (Encaustes praenobilis) was found hiding under some leaves. This was the only shot that I have of it before it started to move and hide, leaving only its abdomen exposed.

This was a good trip and I managed to have a good feel of my new macro lens. There are much to be learnt, especially working with the wider aperture of F2 which gives a very narrow Depth-Of-Field. All the photographs take for this trip were mostly shot at F4, 1/80 @ ISO 400/800.

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