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Friday, 7 August 2015

Morning Walk At Zheng Hua Park (07 Aug 2015)

This was a special day as it was Singapore's first special and additional public holiday declared in celebration of our 50th National Day this year. As I have to run some errands in the morning near to Bukit Timah Road, I decided to check out the Zheng Hua Park which is about 15 minutes drive from Bukit Timah Road. This was the first time I am doing macro-photography at the place and was hopeful to find something interesting.

The weather looked fine on the way there but when I reached the place, the place looked wet and the sky was a little overcast. The first beetle was found at the entrance to the park and it was a Spiny Leaf Beetle (Dicladispa armigera) on a blade of Lalang Grass. This raised my hope about the place since it was only at the entrance that I already found a nice beetle.

Near to the Spiny Leaf Beetle was a low bush where this tiny Ladybird Beetle (Cryptogonus orbiculus) was found resting on a leaf.

My hope was shot lived as I walked along the walking path of the Zheng Hua Park as not a single beetle was found. It was only that I decided to stray off the main path and walk into a mud track that I found this small 1 mm Leaf Beetle on a badly eaten leaf.

Near to the Leaf Beetle was a small banana plant that I found this Ladybird Beetle (Chilocorus circumdatus) hiding under one of the leaves.

Just then, I realized that I have stumbled upon a patch of vegetable "farm". Actually, this is not really a farm but a plot of land used by the people staying around the area to grow vegetables and plants. On the leaf of an egg-plant was this Ant-like Flower Beetle (Anthelephila cyanea).

The place was full of low creepers with large yellow flowers and on them were many Leaf Beetles. I was later told that these creepers are hairy gourds plants.

Near to the orange Leaf Beetle were several other Leaf Beetles (Aulacophora lewisii).

On a plant near by was a small Ladybird Beetle which looked very much like the Cryptogonus orbiculus Ladybird Beetle, but differed in the location of the red spots.

The next beetle was found near to the Ladybird Beetle but it was so alert that I only managed to take one shot and it flew away.

Another Leaf Beetle that was flying around the place was the Lema rufotestacea Leaf Beetle.

Moving actively around the creeper leaves were several of the lovely Tortoiseshell Beetle (Cassida circumdata).

Here's another Leaf Beetle (Lema diversa) that can be found at the vegetable patch.

On a badly eaten plant was this 28-spots Ladybird Beetle (Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata).

There was a small wood pile near to the vegetable patch and on it were several of this Fungus Weevil (Eucorynus crassicornis).

Next to the Eucorynus crassicornis Fungus Weevil was another more active Fungus Weevil.

Just when I was done photographing the Fungus Weevil, I found a small mud track which led to a small shack and another vegetable patch. In the shack was an old man resting in a chair. I greeted and strike up a conversation with him. Through my conversation, I found out that his name is Mr Yam (阮) and he is over 80 years old. He has been working the vegetable patch for years as a hobby.

Just then the sky started to rain and Mr Yam invited me to take shelter in his small shack.

Here is a photograph of the small shack after the rain.

A random shot from within the shack during the rain.

The rain finally stopped and it was time to say goodbye to Mr Yam. I took my leave and decided to call it a day as the chances of finding any beetles after the heavy rain is almost zero. Just as I was about to exit Zheng Hua Park, I found this tiny Jewel Beetle eating away on a young leaf.

The last beetle for the trip was a small 2 mm Leaf Beetle on a leaf.

The trip was interesting even though it was rather short because of the rain. Although I didn't cover much ground during this trip, I am glad to be able to find about 17 different beetles. The place looked promising and I would surely visit it again when opportunity arise in the future.

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