Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Night Walk At Venus Drive (10 Feb 2017)

The weather was surprisingly fine despite what the weatherman said about us having wet weather for the next few weeks. I was particularly looking forward to this session as I was wanting to field test my new macro flash setup as mentioned in my blog last week. To make the best of the session, my friend HW and I decided to go to Venus Drive for the night macro session.

Here's a shiny Pill Bug that we encountered during the trip.

The first beetle of the trip was a small 2 mm Darkling Beetle which looked very much black to the naked eyes until you zoomed closer for a beetle look. This beetle was next to a large group of Bark Lice, which looked a little bit like ants on steroids.

I was surprised to find some of the Elephant Ear Plant growing to humongous size along the trail. This is probably due to the lesser disturbance due to the on-going constructions at the place. On an Elephant Ear plant leaf was this small 3 mm Ant-like Flower Beetle (Anthelephila cyanea).

Just a few trees away was this large 30 mm Chafer Beetle (Phyllophaga marginalis).

As we entered into the main trail we were greeted by this small 3 mm Fungus Weevil.

On a nearby tree was a lovely 2 mm Darkling Beetle.

Next to the 2 mm Darkling Beetle was a 6 mm roundish looking Darkling Beetle that has a purplish sheen under the camera flash.

On a small tree nearby was a Long Horned Beetle (Coptops annulipes) resting motionlessly on the tree trunk.

On a low bush next to the Long Horned Beetle was a Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus quadriguttatus quadriguttatus), I am glad to find this beetle as it has been a while I last encountered this beetle.

Coming to a standing dead tree, it was wonderful to find this lovely metallic colored Ground Beetle (Catascopus dalbertisi) running around the trunk.

Just centimeters from the Fungus Beetle was another Fungus Beetle (Episcapha quadrimacula).

Going further down the trail, a small 3 mm shiny Darkling Beetle was found hiding in a crevice of a tree.

On the same tree was a 8 mm Fungus Weevil which was actively moving up and down the tree trunk.

On another tree nearby was this roundish 5 mm Darkling Beetle.

Interestingly, there seemed to be a number of this Checkered Beetle encountered during this trip.

Near to the Checkered Beetle was this tiny 1 mm Fungus Beetle.

The trip has been wonderful so far with a number of beetles already been encountered. Coming to a small tree, I found this Darkling Beetle (strongylium tenuipes) resting on the side of a large tree.

Coming to a rotting log and on it was this Fungus Weevil (Eucorynus crassicornis).

On the other end of the log was this commonly encountered 10 mm Darkling Beetle.

Walking further down, we came across a small tree with a handful of this lovely bluish color Darkling Beetle.

On the same tree was a 12 mm beetle. I am not able to identify this beetle but it looked very much like a Darkling Beetle.

On the same tree trunk was some white fungus growing on it and feeding on the white fungus was a lone Sap Beetle.

At the base of the same tree was a lovely bronze coloted 2 mm Darkling Beetle.

Walking further, my eyes were drawn to this small 5 mm Darkling Beetle.

On a leaf nearby was this brown Ground Beetle resting motionlessly on a leaf. Surprisingly this particular specimen was not as skittish as other Ground Beetle and allowed me to photograph it without flying away.

Tucked away on one end of a dead log as this 15 mm Darkling Beetle.

Walking a few meters and I found this bronze colored Chafer Beetle.

I was pleasantly surprised to find this lone Tiger Beetle (Cicindela aurulenta).

Owing to time constraint, we decided to call it a day. Just then a small 2 mm was found busily traversing a tree trunk.

On the way out of the trail, I found this Chafer Beetle under a large leaf.

The last beetle for the trip was this Ground Beetle (Onypterygia longispinis) which looked very much like the Ground Beetle encountered earlier on, except for the black pronotum and head..

The trip was very much beetle and Venus Drive will remain as my top beetle site.

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