Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Morning Walk At Venus Drive (30 Mar 2013)

It was a bright and sunny morning so I decided to go to Venus Drive for a walk. Instead of starting from the usual starting point, I decided to start from my usual end point. To my dismay the place was pretty wet, seemed to have rained a short while ago. Hoping for the best that the early rain would not washout the trip.

The first beetle that came to greet me was this small (4mm) metallic blue Leaf Beetle (Lema cyanella). It was a good start as it allowed me to "warm up" my phototaking.

Not too far from the Leaf Beetle was another Leaf Beetle (Lema rufotestacea). Unlike the first Leaf Beetle, this one was a little more active and was moving around. Thankfully it was not too disturbed by the camera flashes and did not fly away.

Moving on, I came across this tiny beetle (<2 mm). This beetle seemed to be aplenty after rain. Indeed a number of them were seen on leaves.

Walking slowly, I saw a flash of red and black flying insect and it landed under a leaf. Looking from afar, I noticed that it is a beetle. It looked very much like a Net-winged Beetle but upon closer examination, it could be a Firefly instead. This is the same type of beetle that I saw during my Eco Green Park trip. This beetle was very alert and does not allow me to go near it, so I ended up taking its photograph at a distance of almost 2 metres away.

To my surprise, I came across a few of this Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus dilatatus turritus). Surprised because Fungus Beetles are usually nocturnal and are seldom seen in the day. This reminded me of the Fungus Beetle Paradise, not too far from where I am.

Near to the Fungus Beetle was another Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus assamensis subguttatus). Another 'late sleeper'.

Walking into the area where the tree canopy is much thicker, a lovely Leaf Beetle was seen resting on a leaf.

Just as I was done photographing the Leaf Beetle, at the corner of my eyes I saw something flew to a tree trunk nearby. Using the camera's tele-zoom, I was thrilled to find this pinkish Fungus Weevil. This is the same kind of beetle that I encountered during my night walk previously. Just like the night trip, the beetle was super alert and flew away into the bushes after only three shots of it. Thankfully, the photograph turned out not too bad even though I am using the tele-zoom.

Further down the track, at the underside of a palm leave was this lovely Leaf Beetle (3mm). This seems to be the usual hangout for this beetle as my last encounter was also finding it underside of a palm leaf.

On a small plant nearby was this tiny beetle (<2 mm). It looked like the same type of beetle that I came across frequently in the night on tree bark. Could this be where they hide during the day?

After walking not too long, I came across another hairy little beetle (3 mm). This looked very much like the third beetle that I came across on this trip, but the difference is that it is entirely black.

While making way for some joggers, I accidentally spotted this lovely Net-wing Beetle. It was pretty calm and allowed me to take quite a number of macro shots. This was so different from my previous encounters with them.

I was almost reaching the U-turn point for the trip, I saw this little Leaf Beetle (2 mm) underneath a leaf. This is the first time I came across this beetle. It has a sweet yellowish body. It remained very still even after a serious of camera flashes at it. How I wish all the beetles that I photograph all remain so still.

Another surprised encounter, a pretty yellow Leaf Beetle. I frequently come across this beetle at the BTNR but this is the first time I come across it at Venus Drive trail.

Not too far down from the yellow Leaf Beetle was this red and black Ladybird like beetle.

The highlight of the trip would be spotting this Long Horned Beetle (Xylotrechus javanicus) just before reaching the end of the trail.

A stone's throw from the Long Horned Beetle was this Fungus Beetle resting in the shade of a leaf.

Basking in the sun was this bronze color beetle with tint of blue at the legs and antennae. I presumed that it is a Leaf Beetle.

The last beetle that I came across was this Lizard Beetle (Languria mozardi).

The trip was fruitful, especially so because of the encounter with the Xylotrechus javanicus.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Night Walk At Venus Drive (22 Mar 2013)

The weather was a little wet in the afternoon but nevertheless I decided to take a walk along the Old Upper Thomson Road. I got on a bus and thought it was heading towards Old Upper Thomson Road. After a while  into the bus journey that I realised that the bus was heading towards a different destination. Fortunately, the bus passes near the Venus Drive and hence the trip was not a washout.

The first beetle that greeted me was this 3mm Darkling Beetle. This is a pretty common beetle that you can usually found on tree bark after dark.

Even more common is this tiny beetle (< 2 mm) which looks like a tiny black speck on the tree trunk. The beautiful elytra of this beetle can only be seen when you look at it at close range.

A surprise find was this Ground Beetle (Catascopus dalbertisi) which was extremely difficult to photograph as it was running all over the place.

Near to the beautiful Ground Beetle was this tiny 3mm Fungus Weevil. It was even harder to photograph this beetle as it was rather hyperactive and move around at quite a fast pace. Only managed to take some shots in between its burst of movement.

At another tree was this small Darkling Beetle. This particular specimen is much smaller than the ones that I came across before. In fact it is almost half the size of the Darkling Beetle that I came across previously, which looked exactly the same.

Moving along, some movement on a tree trunk captured my attention. It was probably drenched by the rain earlier on and hence the wet-look. This beetle looked very much like a Fungus Weevil.

On a piece of dead log were a number of this tiny Ground Beetle (Pericalus tetrastigma).

More Fungus Weevil.

Near to the Fungus Beetle was this small 3 mm beetle.

This Fungus Beetle is pretty common at Venus Drive.

This beetle is about 4 mm in size. I find the head of this beetle interesting as it looked like an ant.

Another Fungus Beetle having its dinner on some dead log.

This was the highlight of the trip. The color of this Fungus Weevil  is so vibrant. Sadly, it didn't stay long enough and I only managed to get two shots of this lovely Fungus Weevil before it disappeared into the surrounding darkness.

Nearby was this interesting looking jet-black Ground Beetle.

Keeping the Ground Beetle company was this Pleasing Fungus Beetle.

Another Fungus Beetle.

Further into the trail was this tiny beetle (< 2 mm) which was having a wonderful meal munching on the orange color fungus.

Another Fungus Weevil.

More Fungus Weevil. This round a mating pair which seemed to have just started.

A wet Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus assamensis subguttatus).

Yet another Fungus Weevil but slightly different from the earlier ones because of the reddish coloration on the elytra.

Moving quickly among the dead tree was this beetle. Notice the small horns on it.

Time flew and it was about time to head for home. Just metres away from the trail exit, were this pair of love birds. They looked like the Crab-like Rove Beetle (Tachyporinae sp.).

The trip was fruitful, especially because of the opportunity to photograph the lovely pink Fungus Weevil.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Night Walk At Venus Drive (15 Mar 2013)

The weather was nice and dry so I headed for the Venus Drive's Treetop Walk trail. It was almost dark but I managed to catch a few minutes of the setting sun.

The first beetle was a Fungus Beetle that came out to feed even before the sun was still out, albeit it was in a shaded area of trail.

Getting its last bit of the sun light was this Leaf Beetle (Lima diversa). There were a few of this beetle flying around but all of them were easily spooked except for this one which sat there for me to snap a few close-up shots before flying off for the day.

Moving into another shaded area, I found this small 5mm Net-winged Beetle (possibly Taphes brevicollis as the size is much smaller than the ones that I came across previously)  flying around, presumably looking for a place to call it a day. I managed to only get a single closeup shot of it due to it flying all around the place.

Moving frantically around a small plant were of a few of this small Leaf Beetle (~4 mm).  It was quite a challenge for me trying to take a macro shot of it, partially due to the dim lighting.

The place was almost completely dark when I came a cross this Leaf Beetle which was having its dinner.

Finally when the place was completely dark, out came a nocturnal beetle - a Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus assamensis subguttatus).  

Following which was this medium size (~6 mm) Darkling Beetle.

On the same dead log were a few this Fungus Weevil, busily moving around looking for food.

Another Darkling Beetle but it was much larger (~15 mm) and had longer legs.

Soon, all the different and familiar Fungus Beetles were out in force.

Yet another Fungus Beetle but much smaller at about 4mm in length.

Another familiar Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus quadrigulltatus). 

More Fungus Beetle but this time round a shinny little one at about 2 mm.

A Darkling Beetle also came out to play with the rest.

Walking further into the dark trail, a lone Ground Beetle was hanging on at the side of  a big tree. It looked very much like a cockroach from a short distance away.

Another Darkling Beetle that looked pretty much the same as the ones I encountered earlier, but the size is in between the two. How interesting!

Finally, a Weevil Beetle! It was trying very hard not to move. I only managed to get one shot of it and in a blink of the eyes, it dropped to the leaf litters below.

Along the trail were some rotten tree and to my surprise I found this Bess Beetle (Aceraius grandis) busily moving around the log, foraging for food.

Just then, I saw a speck of green light. It was pretty much like a small greenish-yellow LED light flying in the dark. It flew for a while before landing on a leaf. It was a Fire Fly Beetle (Lychnuris fumigata). What an opportunity to get a few shots of this interesting beetle.

After the excitement of finding a Fire Fly Beetle, a small beetle (~5 mm) was seen pacing up and down a tree trunk. From a short distance away it looked like a Chafer Beetle, but upon closer examination of the close-up photograph, it seemed to be a Fungus Weevil.

Near to the interesting looking Weevil Beetle was another interesting beetle. Looked a little like a Long Horned Beetle but looked more like a Soldier Beetle.

Another interesting find on a dead log not too far down the trail - a Ground Beetle with 4 large yellow spots. This is the first time that I came across it. It is a small beetle of about 3~4 mm in size.

In a nearby tree were a few of this tiny beetle (<2 mm).

Yet another Darkling Beetle but this time round it is about 15 mm in size.

Another Darkling Beetle but 2~3 mm in size.

Further down the trail was this jet black Fungus Beetle feeding on a patch of white fungus.

On a dead tree that lined the path, a few of this ~3 mm Ground Beetle (Pericalus tetrastigma) were found.

Moving along, I happened to see this small beetle moving slowly on a leaf littler on the path. It is brownish in color and looked like a Fungus Beetle.

Resting on a tree trunk was this relatively large Fungus Weevil (~15 mm) with a long antenna. With a quick glace I thought it was a Long Horned Beetle until I had a closer look at it in the photograph at home.

Another Fungus Beetle in a nearby dead tree log. I particularly like the coloration of this beetle.

On the same tree trunk was this Ground Beetle (~6 mm). This was a pleasant surprise as I only came across this on the internet. First time encounter is always sweet.

Almost at the end of the trip, I came across this tiny Weevil Beetle (~4 mm) trying very hard to run away from my lights.

Lastly, the highlight of the trip - a different color and pattern Fungus Beetle. It was a pretty hyper-active beetle and it was quite a challenge to photograph this beetle in the dark.

This trip at the Venus Drive was very fruitful with the many different beetles encountered. It is a waste that not many people get to see them while walking the nature trails as they are usually small and inconspicuous. But with a little bit of patience and at a slower pace, you will soon notice these beautiful critters are all over the place.