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Saturday, 17 May 2014

Night Walk At Lower Pierce Reservoir (16 May 2014)

It was a last minute decision to go to the Lower Pierce Reservoir and so I was almost an hour later than my usual timing. This also means a much shorter walk. When I reached the place, I came across several of this large Swallow-tail Moth (Lyssa zampa). This type of moth is "seasonal" in that they can be found in large number during certain period of the year. I am surprised to find four of them in the same location.

The first beetle that greeted me was a 7 mm  Daarkling Beetle. In fact, the place was crawling with them and their numbers run into the hundreds.

Near to the Darkling Beetle was a Fungus Weevil that remained relatively still when my lights shines on it.

On the same log with the Fungus Weevil was this Rove Beetle that was busily running from fungus to another. It was a challenge trying to get a good shot of this beetle.

On the other end of the log where the Darkling Beetle and Rove Beetle were found, a lone Fungus Beetle was seen scavenging for food.

Near by was another Fungus Beetle.

Moving quickly to some low bushes, a small 3 mm Black ground Beetle (Pentagonica flavipes) was found at the edge of a leaf.

A stone's throw away was a pair of Chafer Beetle.

Just next to the Chafer Beetle was a tree where this  5 mm first-time-encountered Fungus Beetle.

Moving nearer the "clearing", a Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus quadriguttatus) was found resting on a leaf.

Near to the Fungus Beetle was a lone Leaf Beetle (Colasposoma auripenne) resting on a lovely red-veined leaf.

Just before the "clearing" was a large patch of Singapore Rhododendron (Melastoma malabathricum) where a number of this commonly encountered Chafer Beetle (Adoretus compressus) were found. There are several of this brown colored beetle were found with the mottled color Adoretus compressus beetle, which I believed to be the female of this beetle species.

A male Chafer Beetle (Adoretus compressus) near by.

Finally at the "clearing", a beetle larvae was seen on  a fallen tree full of the small Darkling Beetle encountered earlier on.

Found this colorful Ground Beetle (Catascopus dalbertisi) on the same log as the beetle larvae. The "clearing" seemed to be the home to this type of beetle as I managed to find a good dozen of them at the place.

I was pleasantly surprised to find a huge(about 30 cm across) milky-yellow color bracket fungus growing from the ground. This is the first time I encountered such beautiful bracket fungus. On the fungus were a few 2 mm beetles. This is an first-time-encountered beetle.

On another fallen log was a pair of commonly encountered Darkling Beetle.

On the end of the same log was a female Fungus Weevil (Anthribus wallacei).

One of the unique thing about this place is the congregation of large number of beetles of the same kind. Here's a shot of a small group of Fungus Beetle (Episcapha quadrimacula). The other type of beetle that gather in large groups at the place is the small Darkling Beetle encountered earlier on.

A 10 mm black beetle was seen moving quickly on a log. Not sure what beetle it is but it looked very much like a Darkling Beetle.

Time flies and it was time for me to leave the place. I hurried through the remaining fallen logs until this 10 mm first-time-encountered Weevil Beetle stopped me.

Reluctantly I have to say goodbye to the place and on the last log I found this first-time-encountered bronze color Ground Beetle. It is almost half the size of the Catascopus dalbertisi Ground Beetle.

Just a meter away from the Ground Beetle was this Darkling Beetle (Promethis valga) which reminded me of Batman and his armor.

The final beetle was a 3 mm Darkling Beetle on one of the trees that lined the walking path at the reservoir.

This trip was fruitful even though it was a short and rushed one. I am happy to have encountered a few first-time-encountered beetles.

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