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Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Morning Walk At Windsor Nature Park (01 Sep 2017)

It was almost 10 months since I last walked Windsor Nature Park (aka Venus Drive) in the morning, so taking the opportunity of a Public Holiday I decided to take a walk there. Learning from my last trip to the place on Public Holiday where the car park was packed full, I planned to reach the park by 7.30 am. Fortunately when I reached the place, the car park was only 3/4 full. I was mentally prepared for hordes of people at the place and sure enough the place looked more like a bazaar than a park.

Here's a photograph of an interesting golden color jumping spider.

The first beetle for the trip was a treat, a 3 mm first-time-encountered Jewel Beetle moving restlessly on  a blade of grass.

Near to the Jewel Beetle were several Ant Beetle (Anthelephila cyanea) under the leaves of some Elephant Ear Plants.

A short distance away, I was glad to find this lovely Ladybird Beetle (Illeis koebelei).

Surprisingly, there were quite a number of this small 3 mm Weevil Beetle (Demimaea bakeri).

Coming to a small dying tree, I was able to find this small 5 mm Fungus Weevil (Habrissus omadioides).

Moving to a short dead tree stump, I was thrilled to find this "long-time-no-see" 5 mm Shiny Fungus Beetle under a large bracket fungus.

Near to the Shiny Fungus Beetle was a Rove Beetle.

Just millimeters from the Shiny Fungus Beetle was another smaller 3 mm Shiny Fungus Beetle.

Moving further down the trail, there were several of this active Tumbling Flower Beetle (Glipa malaccana) flying around a patch of ferns and Singapore Rhododendron plant (Melastoma malabathricum).

On one of the Singapore Rhododendron plant were several of this Leaf Beetle (Argopus brevis).

Coming to a fallen tree, I was glad to be able to find two of this Pleasing Fungus Beetle (Triplatoma gestroi).

On the same tree were two of highly active Tiger Beetle (Cicindela chrysippe) running around the fallen tree.

Moving further into the trail, a 3 mm first-time-encountered Click Beetle was found on a leaf.

Moving along, I was happy to find some beetle larvae at the base of a small tree. Finding beetle larvae shows that the beetle population at the place is doing well.

On a dead tree stump by the side of the trail was a small fungus mushroom where several of this 3 mm Sap Beetle were feeding.

Here's a close up of one of the Sap Beetles.

On a rubber tree leaf near by was this 3 mm Red-headed Tumbling Flower Beetle (Mordellistena cervicalis).

On a white fungus mushroom on the side of a small tree stump was this 1 mm beetle. Not sure what beetle is it.

Coming to another fallen tree and on a small plant next to the fallen tree were several of this 3 mm first-time-encountered Fungus Beetle.

The surprise for the trip was this "long-time-no-see" Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus politus).

On the same tree was this small beetle larvae.

Moving deeper into the trail, I was glad to find this lone Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus mirus) on small tree.

Not sure if it was because of the time of the day or the weather, there seemed to be a number of this beetle encountered. This beetle looked like a Net-winged Beetle but I am not sure if it is as it lacks the typical netting patterns of a Net-winged Beetle (thus the name). Some has identified it as a Firefly Beetle on the internet, but I am doubtful about it being a Firefly Beetle as its abdomen seemed to be lacking the bioluminescence "segment". If you know the identity of this beetle, do comment below. Thanx.

By the side of the trail, I was surprised to find this 2 mm first-time-encountered Pintail Beetle.

The highlight for the trip was the encounter of this beautiful Long Horned Beetle (Chloridolum cinnyris). I may have previous wrongly identify this as Chloridolum thomsoni Long Horned Beetle. This looks very much like the Chloridolum thomsoni Long Horned Beetle, except for the two spots on the pronotum.

Moving on, I was once again thrilled to find this Tiger Beetle (Therates dimidiatus) which I have not encounter for a long while.

Another treat for the trip was the encounter of this Long Horned Beetle (Sclethrus malayanus). While trying to verify the identity of this beetle, I realized that I may have misidentified this beetle in my past posts as Sclethrus amoenus, which apparently does not occur in our region.

It was a rather warm day and I was just about to wipe off my perspiration with my towel that I found this Ladybird Beetle larvae crawling on my towel. I gently moved it onto a leave and it rested in this position after moving around the leaf for a while.

At this point in time I am at the path where there are high human traffic, mostly heading towards the Tree Top Walk. Because of the high human traffic along this trail, I was not expecting to find many beetles. To my surprise, I found this bronze colored Leaf Beetle (Graphops curtipennis) on a small plant.

As expected, not a single beetle encountered after a while of walking until I came to a dead tree stump. It was not an easy task photographing along this part of the trail as I will have to frequently answer to curious passerby on what am I photographing. On the tree stump were several of this Fungus Beetle.

On the same tree stump were several of this Shiny Fungus Beetle.

Interestingly although there were not too many beetles on the tree stump, there were many of this beetle larvae on it.

More walking without finding any other beetles until I encountered this 5 mm Net-winged Beetle. It was half dead when I found it and I was wondering why, until I saw the fine spider web when I was preparing the photographs for this post. It was probably stuck to the leaf and was baking under the hot sun.

I am glad to have made the trip as it was a fruitful trip with several first-time-encountered beetles, and also encountering several "long-time-no-see" beetles. I am also happy with the new camera setup as the photographs turned out to be of my liking. Wonderful trip indeed!

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