Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Morning Walk At Durian Loop Trail (13 Jul 2013)

The morning was cool and dry so I decided to take a walk at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve's Durian Loop Trail.

The first beetle that came into my view finder was this lovely colored Leaf Beetle.

While photographing the Leaf Beetle, a flash of red at the corner of my eye and this striking Net-winged Beetle (Dictyoptera aurora) landed on a leaf right in front of me.

On a near by bush was this Leaf Beetle (Lema rufotestacea).

The wonderful thing about morning walk is that you get to see a lot more Leaf Beetles. On  another low bush was this Leaf Beetle (Lema diversa).

Looking closely at some of the fungus infected leaves, I found this tiny hairy beetle. You can usually find this type of beetle in large number after rain.

A surprise find was this Leaf Beetle (Lema quadripunctata) on a ginger plant. It was pretty alert but thankfully I was still able to get a few shots of it.

The highlight of the trip was the encounter with this Fungus Beetle. I read about it online but have never got the opportunity to find it. The best part of this encounter was that I found two of this beetle in a row.

While photographing the interesting Fungus Beetle, I found another small Fungus Beetle on the tip of a blade of grass.

On a tree nearby was this tiny beetle (~2 mm).

 On the same tree trunk was this beetle larvae.

Moving into a shaded part of the trail, a Tiger Beetle was found resting calmly on a leave. Interestingly it remained very still despite all the camera flashes.

Still on the shaded path, a lovely Fungus Beetle was found under a large leaf.

Moving into an open area, this black beetle with yellow appendages stood up like a sore thumb on the green leaf.

Just then a tiny beetle right in front of me. It turned out to be a small Net-winged Beetle (~5 mm). Notice the tiny tick on the beetle.

Moving a few steps away, another similar size Net-winged Beetle was resting on a leaf. The coloration of this Net-winged Beetle was the same as the Net-winged Beetle (Dictyoptera aurora) but much smaller in size.

Almost at the end of the trail, a bronze colored Leaf Beetle was seen resting on a low bush.

Just a stone's throw from the Leaf Beetle was this lovely orange Ladybird Beetle.

The finale for the trip was this Tumbling Flower Beetle.

The morning walk was very fruitful with the encountering of 18 different beetles and the finding of the interesting Fungus Beetle.

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