Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Monday, 8 July 2013

Night Walk At A Secret Place (05 Jul 2013)

The weather was dry and I decided to take a night walk at a secret place.

Secret place?

Well, it is not a secret "secret place" but rather it is so called to protect one of its inhabitants that I came across during this trip. In order not to risk them being poached, I have decided to keep the name of the place secret.

The first beetle that appear is this tiny beetle (~2 mm).

The next beetle literally flew right in front of me, probably attracted by my torchlight. This is a Ground Beetle, about 15 mm in size.

An unexpected find was this Ground Beetle, clinging onto a creeping plant. I particularly like its color contrast.

Walking further down, this Long Horned Beetle was seen resting on a leaf. This particular beetle was pretty calm compared to the ones that I came across previously.

On a nearby tree was this 5 mm beetle.

A Fungus Beetle was seen at the base of the same tree mentioned above.

There were some small rotting logs along the side of the trail and upon closer look, I found this Fungus Weevil.

Moving on to another fallen tree log, a Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus assamensis) was seen moving away quickly. It was moving so fast that I was not able to get a good shot of it.

On the same log was this Fungus Beetle (Eumorphus politus) and it was moving away quickly like the other beetle.

On a nearby tree was this interesting looking Darkling Beetle. It looked like the normal Darkling Beetle except that its front legs are exceptionally long.

On a tree vine was this small beetle (~5 mm) moving up and down the vine, quite aimlessly. It looked black from a distance and upon closer look, the red and orange spots came up.

A stone's throw away was this bronze colored Darkling Beetle.

Next to the Darkling Beetle was this interesting looking Fungus Beetle. This is the second time that I came across this beetle.

Another Fungus Beetle was seen on a nearby fallen tree log.

At the end of the tree log was a party of this cute looking beetle. This is the first time I come across several of this beetle on the same log.

Further down was this little beetle (~2 mm).

The highlight of the night was the close encounter with this yet unnamed Trilobite Beetle (Duliticola sp.). It was indeed an exciting encounter, with me photographing it for a good 10 minutes. It is because of this particular beetle that I decided not to disclose the name of the place for this particular trip.

Close by to the Trilobite Beetle was this interesting looking Fungus Beetle. The pattern on this beetle is so unique, don't you think?

On the same log was another Fungus Beetle. Initially I thought that this is the common Fungus Beetle that I come across frequently, but as I took its photograph I noticed the purplish-blue sheen on it.

Further on, I found this little beetle (~3 mm) on a moss covered log.

At almost the end of the trip, I found this lovely Fungus Beetle. It was moving rather quickly on a tree trunk.

Almost at the end of the trip was this little beetle which I thought was rather common, until I noticed the  dim brown line across its elytra.

The last beetle for the trip was this Chafer Beetle (Adoretus compressus), happily munching on a leaf.

This trip was really fruitful, especially with the finding of the strange looking Trilobite Beetle and the other first-encounter beetles. Fabulous trip indeed.


  1. Hi David,

    this is Cassandra from NParks. I personally am very intrigued with beetles and I had no idea there were so many species of beetles in Singapore!

    Is there any way that we are able to contact you to invite you to more of our events? Could we get your e-mail address?

    Do drop me a note at

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thank you.


  2. Hi Cassandra,
    My email address is

    So far I have only managed to photograph about 290 of them, there are many more beetles to be found and photographed. Guessed that we just need to keep a look out for them... :)


    David Moh
