Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

A Walk Around The Neighbourhood (21 Jan 2013)

Looking at the weather forecast, it is going to be another week of wet weather. Today seems to be an exception so seizing the opportunity, I went for a walk around the wilder part of the neighbourhood.

The first beetle that greeted me was this beautiful little Ladybird. It's been a while I last came across this type of ladybird. Isn't this beetle lovely?

The next beetle that came into my view finder was this little leaf beetle. It started off rather edgy and move around a lot, but after a short while it decided to pose for the camera.

Moving on, this other type of ladybird appeared. It was pretty difficult to photograph this beetle due to the strong wind at this place. The wind was almost non-stop but nevertheless I managed to take a quick shot when the wind died down a little. Really not easy to take macros shots on a windy day.

Next was a common shiny little beetle that sat so comfortably in the middle of a leaf, but after a few camera shots it decided that it had enough and started to slowly move off.

Further down was this little hairy beetle which can be found in the dozens around the area.

In a nearby tree, I found this velvety little beetle. The flowers of this tree seem to be the main attraction for beetles as I managed to find a number of different beetles among the small flowers on the tree.

An Anomala variegata was one of the many types of beetle found among the flowers.

Passing a tree, I noticed something black and took a closer look. It turned out to be a tiny little beetle.

The place was full of this black little beetle (Apogonia expeditionis).

Looking at a tree trunk, one will find many of this little creature. I love the color contrast of this beetle.

Walking further, I came across a large tree and on the leaves I found this beetle which looks like one of the beetle earlier on, just that the color of this beetle is a shade lighter.

While taking the photo of the above beetle, I noticed some movements on the tree trunk. Taking a closer look, I found this little beetle that looks like a Fungus Weevil.

While taking the photograph of the fungus beetle, this black beetle appeared.

Moving further into the 'wild', this beautiful ladybird appeared.

On a nearby plant, I found this little beetle. Although it looks pretty much like Apogonia expeditionis but it is not. Comparing Apogonia expeditionis with this beetle, you will have noticed the color of this beetle is not the same - Apogonia expeditionis is jet black in color whereas this beetle has a brown color elytra.

On the way back, I came across this little beetle which looked different in terms of color and at the same time, it also has a white 'lip'.

The place surprised me as I was not expecting to find so many different types of beetles. A great walk indeed!

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