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Saturday, 5 January 2013

Morning Walk At Botanic Gardens ( 05 Jan 2013)

The weather looks absolutely nice and so after sending my son to his school for CCA, I took a detour and ended up at the Singapore Botanic Gardens. As expected, the place was packed with people - joggers, family outing, domestic helpers and tourists, etc.
My aim to go to Botanic Gardens is primarily to take some photographs of the Donacia javana, a type of beetle that lives among the lilies in the ponds. Without any delays, I make a bee-line for a secluded small pond that I know will have what I am looking for. Sure enough there are a number of the little critters on the lilies pad.

After a round of photography with the Donacia javana,  I came across a very tiny little beetle which looks like a black dot to the naked eyes. I was pleasantly surprised to see in the viewfinder the brilliant red color, which contrasted beautifully with the black of the beetle.

Moving along to a patch of ferns, my eyes catch hold of what seems to be a housefly. Upon closer look, it is a Tumbling Flower Beetle, Glipa malaccana. I am surprised to see it as I have visited the place many times but have never see them before. May be it is because I always thought that they were houseflies.

After the encounter with the Tumbling Flower Beetle, I decided to go "off-the-beaten-track" and move into a not so popular spot in the garden. Upon entering the place, there waiting on the leaves to greet me is this pretty shiny beetle.

This beetle has an interesting behaviour; when they sensed danger, it will let go of its perch, roll off the leave that it is on and fly off. All of them did the same each time they sensed my presence or felt the light of my camera flash.

Another shot of the beetle, this time the beetle was pretty cooperative and let me photograph it for a while, until it had enough of my camera flashes and do the standard let go, roll and fly. How interesting!
Just slightly before I am due to leave the place, I came across a patch of big palm trees and found a number of Tumbling Flower Beetles. What a befitting end to the trip!

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