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Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Friday, 4 January 2013

Night Walk At Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (04 Jan 2013)

I was looking forward to the walk at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and hoping that it would not rain. Well, the sky poured for a while and thankfully it stopped just around evening.  Regardless. I proceeded with the walk knowing well that the rain will washout the trip.
 The place was pretty much wet and at some places muddy, but the allure of finding some interesting beetles drives me on.

The starting is worse than I have anticipated - not a single bug is in sight, let alone beetles. After walking for almost 20 minutes and didn't find many interesting critters, besides a few grasshoppers and crickets. The temptation was to go home and take a nice warm shower, rather than walking in the dark with almost nothing of interests. My fingers were itching for some macro actions.
Finally after almost 30 minutes of the walk that I found this tiny little beetle:

Like our local saying goes "No fish, prawn also good", a number of photographs of the fingus beetle were snapped; more to pacify those itching fingers.

Due to the rain, even this chafer that we commonly see also became a rare sight. Another pacifier for my itching fingers.
As time passes and to much of my relief, more critters started to appear.

The appearance of this fungus beetle marks the turning point for the trip. More beetles started to appear.

Another fungus beetle appeared (Eumorphus dilatatus turritus).

More fungus beetles.

Other beetles started to appear.

A weevil beetle came out. Look how wet it is.

Just when things are getting interesting, I have to leave to catch the public transport back home. Relunctantly, I started to make my way back. Just then a really pleasant surprise appeared.
Yeah! I have been reading about this beetle online but have never got the opportunity to see it. Finally I got to see it in person. I am surprised by the size of this beetle, it is rather small (about 1cm). Thanks to macro photography, all the photographs I saw online make them look like monsters.
I did a check and I believe this is a fungus beetle and is called Amphisternus vomeratus.
This marked the end of the walk and it ended wonderfully. Glad that I have persevered and continued with the walk.

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