Beetle@SG Website

Please check out my website Beetles@SG for identification of beetles found in Singapore

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Morning Walk At Mandai Track 15 (09 Feb 2013)

The morning looked sunny and seemed to be a wonderful day for a nature walk. At the same time, it was a perfect weather to try out my new Raynox macros lens. Here's a snapshot of Mandai Track 15 (or to be exact the Park Connector Network path leading to track 15).

The first beetle was this fungus beetle (Eumorphus quadriguttatus), it was busy warming up in the sun light and was glooming itself. Notice the tiny mite on the back of the beetle. I didn't notice that the camera setting that I use for the night before was not suitable for the morning, a great majority of the photographs taken were slightly out of focus. Only managed to have two or three shots are slightly better focused.

 As I walked along the track, I noticed a small little speck on a leave and when to inspect it. To my pleasant surprise, I found this little hairy beetle. Sadly, all the photographs taken were out of focus. Only found one that I was able to sharpen a little.

Walking along the track, I was a little disappointed as there don't seem to be much beetle actions. Just then, out from nowhere flew this sleek long horned beetle which settled on the underside of a leave under the morning sun. These photos were alright as I was using the zoom lens instead of the macros lens. The main challenge was the wind that swayed the leave quite a fair bit.

Moving along, I found this beautiful Lizard Beetle (Languria mozardi). Sadly, the depth of field problem that I encountered the night before was at play here also.

 Next came this little leaf beetle which got irritated by the flash light and flew away after a few shots.

Walking along Mandai Track 15, I came across this beetle larvae. This is the first time I come across such and am surprised by it fast movement.

Finally before going home, I decided to take a close up of a tiny beetle.  The beetle was than 1mm and it was very active. May be the beetle's hyper-activeness was due to all my camera flashes.
With the above last few shots, I called it a day and when home, albeit a little disappointed because of a lack in beetle encounters.

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