Beetle@SG Website

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Saturday, 23 February 2013

Night Walk At Sentosa (22 Feb 2013)

It's been a long while since I walked the Sentosa trail and since the weather was nice and dry, I decided to do a night walk at the Imbiah Trail on Sentosa island.

The first beetle to greet me was this interesting small weevil beetle.

Not much actions for most part of the trail until I decided to take a less travel path and there along the path were many of this shiny beetles (Colasposoma auripenne). They were all over the place, everywhere you turn you will see at least two to three of them on the plants.

 More of the shiny beetle.

I walked for a long while without seeing any other beetles. Guessed this is expected for a manicured nature path. Just when I was about to give up and go home, this long horned beetle turned up. It was pacing up and down a dried tree branch, as if it was looking for something.

 Near to the long horned beetle was this roundish beetle. Looked like a fungus beetle.

Further down the path was this big chafer beetle (Phyllophaga marginalis) which was having a great time munching on a leaf.


Nearing the end of the trail was a dead tree log with quite a fair bit of fungus growing on it. Staying motionlessly on the log was this ground beetle.

 On the way to the Sentosa train back to Vivo City, there was a stretch of  low hedges where a number of beetles were found. Here's a chafer beetle (Apogonia expeditionis) having its dinner.

 The same type of weevil beetle as encountered at the beginning of the walk.

 More chafer beetles (Maladera castanea ?).

And even more of the weevil beetles.

The trip was not as interesting as I have expected but nevertheless it is a good trip to have photographs of the various beetles.

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