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Saturday, 9 February 2013

Night Walk At Venus Drive (08 Feb 2013)

Finally got my hands on the Raynox DCR250 Super Macro Lens from a local store and surprisingly, it was selling at slightly cheaper than online.

Wanted to try this out with the LED ring lights that I bought earlier. Another round of adjustments again.

The sky has been raining for the past few days and today is no exception. I have been planning to try out the new lens at Venus Drive and were pretty much mentally prepared that the night session will be a wash-out. Despite the wet weather, the urge of wanting to test out the new Raynox lens drove me on to set out in the night even though the rain only stopped for about two hours or so.

As expected, the place was absolutely drenched through and through. Everything looked wet. Not about to give up, I looked for some fallen tree logs and sure enough, there were a few of the fungus beetles (Eumorphus quadriguttatus) crawling around. My first live test subjects for my new macros lens.

The new lens proved to be harder to handle then expected. The depth of field was a little short and I was not about to do the adjustments there and then due to the rain. I ended up using the zoom instead. Thankfully, I still managed to get some decent shots. In fact, the Raynox lens is so much better than my macro lens filter which tends to distort at the edge when I use a longer zoom.

Here's photo of a small 3mm fungus beetle. Was not able to get a nice shot with my old lens but am glad that the Raynox lens can zoom in so closely without any distortion. Guess this is value for money since the cost of the Raynox lens is a several times that of my macro lens filter. Well, still need to work on the depth of field as the elytra of the beetle in this shot was not in focus. Need to see how to diffuse the LED ring flash also.

Moving along, the place seemed to be full of this type of fungus beetles. You can see them on almost every fallen tree log that I came across.

More of the fungus beetles (Eumorphus quadriguttatus) and this one is not as wet compared to the earlier ones.

There were a number of these small litte beetle, each about 2mm in length.

More wet Eumorphus quadriguttatus.

While combing the fallen logs for beetles, I came across this beautiful little beetle (less than 2mm). The elytra has a metallic sheen to it. My photograph skills did great injustice to this beauty.

A tiny 2mm fungus beetle was clinging to a tree trunk, looked pretty dry I must add.

More tiny beetles. Am having a little bit of a problem with the new lens and light, so this shot was a total wash-out. Added it here to document down what I saw.

A better shot with this larger beetle.

Cute fungus beetle larve and a patch of white fungus.

At the edge of the white fungus patch, I found this little beetle (3mm). Darkling beetle?

I finally found this beetle. Was wanting to take a nicer photograph of this beetle to replace my poorly taken one.

More closeup of the tiny beetles that were crawling all over the place (less than 2mm).

More of this type of fungus beetles.

 Another beetle, this time round a side shot. Didn't know that it is pretty hairy.

My favourite shot for the night.

 More fungus beetle. This time showing the long legs.

 Another closeup shot. See the poo?

 An interesting beetle which has a matted-black coloration.

An interestingly long beetle larve.

Another shot of the tiny fungus beetle. I really need to work on the focusing.

A fungus weevil and sadly, out of focus.

 A close up of a wet Eumorphus quadriguttatus.

My final shot before I left the place - fungus beetle larves.

The trip was not as bad as I have expected and it gave me a better feel of what need to be done with the new lens and lights.

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